Senin, 12 Januari 2009

Another empty days...

Some people say if you become a college student, especially if you are a medical faculty student,, there won't be a day without study, assignment, and group discussion..
And hell yeah, that's obviously happen in my life right now.

I dedicate most of my time to read a god damn thick literature that I hardly understand, doing my assignments, trying to remember how to do various medical technique, finding and translating journals for my report, looking for a bunch of material for the tutorial, etc. But somehow now I feel those boring activities already become a part of my daily life...

It's not like that I'm a nerd (I am gonna' slice your stomach open if you dare to think that I'm a nerd, really) , but I feel something is missing when I have a vacant time like now... It is my holiday, so it's time to relax my mind and forget all about college for a while... But it's like something in my head tells me to study rather than wasting my time to do these useless activities... What happen to me? Do I have become a NERD? Oh god, I'd rather kiss my own ass and fuck a *******...

Just like the law of nature, it looks like I'm already adapting, and get used to be a workaholic. That's fine, I can take it. But there's one thing now that bothers me most, it's about the citizen test this Saturday. Why???

I have no hard feeling for the lecturer, really. But it's just my nature. Since I was 6 years old until now, I've never enjoyed this lesson. I mean you don't have to know about the very content of your country's constitution unless you are a president, right? For me, a good citizen is a person who pay the tax regularly, obey the rules and law above anything, and VOILA, that's all. All I know since I'm an elementary school student until now is PANCASILA ADA 5. Don't ask me what are they, I always forget the fourth one. It's too long.
If there's anyone out there agree with me, please raise your finger, and put it into your nose, hehehe... Besides that, the materials are so much, which in scientific language called "SEGABAN", this lesson is full of ****, it can makes you bored to death, or drooling on the top of your chair's table. This lesson is a mass murder, man...

I feel anxious, why do we have to study about citizenship? I mean, if we become a doctor someday, I am sure you'll never ask your patient like this:

You: Selamat malam pak/bu, saya dr. Rohman, kalau saya boleh tau nama Anda...
Patient: Saya Pak Sulcus a.k.a Farid (for example)
You: Jenis kelamin Anda?
Patient: Laki-laki, tetapi P**** saya mengalami rudimentasi, sehingga sekarang saya...
You: Ya, saya mengerti, kita lanjut saja ke pertanyaan berikutnya. Keluhan Anda apa?
Patient: Saya kalau malam suka panas, batuk-batuk, muntah darah, dan pingsan dok...
You: Oh ya, apa pengertian WAWASAN NUSANTARA menurut Anda?
Patient: Hah? Apa dok?
You: Tidak tau ya? Kalau begitu apa pengertian dari ZONA EKONOMI EKSKLUSIF?
Patient: What the fuck are you talking about, you dickhead?

Oh dear...

So guys, that's why I dislike this lesson, but once again I never said that I don't like the lecturer, I am just having problem about how to befriended the citizenship lesson...

4 komentar:

  1. mau tahu ujian Kewarganegaraan waktu aku kuliah dulu? (btw, dulu namanya Kewiraan atau apa gitu, lupa).
    oh tidak, bentar, mau tahu bagaimana kuliahnya?
    dosennya menunjuki setiap orang di kelas bergantian dan bertanya: "hari ini koran Kompas halaman 3 isinya apa?" "halaman 5 koran Banjarmasin Post kemaren isinya apa?"
    dan seperti orang tolol aku beli koran hari sebelum dan hari kuliah Kewiraan itu. dan membacanya. padahal seumur hidup aku membaca koran paling cuma setahun sekali.

    dan yang paling dahsyat: ujiannya. ujiannya soalnya cuma satu:
    "Tuliskan daftar isi buku teks kewiraan yang dipakai waktu kuliah Kewiraan."
    Mendadak memory-ku blank.

  2. gila dok, itu namanya pelanggaran hak asasi mahasiswa, hehehe...

  3. sejak kapan mahasiswa punya hak asasi? mahasiswa itu bukan manusia :p
    mahasiswa itu berada di kasta terendah umat manusia.
    oh bentar, aku salah, kasta paling Syudra di dunia manusia adalah resident pendidikan spesialis. mereka tidak punya hak sama sekali, yang ada hanya kewajiban.
    kasta terendah kedua adalah koass. sesudah itu baru mahasiswa.
    selamat menyesal memasuki dunia ini :D

  4. *geleng-geleng kepala mode: ON*

    heran melihat dua orang stress sedang bercengkerama... hahahaha
